5 Typical Technology Mistakes Of A Moving Business

Today it appear that every business has turned to high use of technology in their company, but are they doing it right or are there areas to improve on? Technology has allowed businesses to accomplish more with less then ever before. However there are 5 common technology blunders that I see frequently in the moving industry.

1. Backing up Data — Your company's info is crucial to its success, for those using cloud based software such as MovePoint Moving Software, data backups are not a problem. However for those using older software, or a do it yourself network your info is in peril. Usually the information is stored either on individual machines or an in house server with no backups or maybe in-frequent info back ups. If your live info was gone today what would you do? How much information can you stand losing? Assembling an action plan and acting on it is very important. There are key concerns to take into consideration when planning for disaster recovery.

  1. Data corruption : what do you do if the files exist but get corrupted from a pathogen, noxious employee or other means. Do you have multiple back ups to cover you? Simply doing incremental nightly backups of information can minimize the loss of data in the case of info corruption.
  2. Drive/hardware failure : If a key piece of hardware fails, like a hard drive or server, how long does it generally take to get back running and how long are you able to afford to attend? How much info will you lose? Having RAIDed hard drives and spare hardware can reduce the odds of a problem.
  3. Does your Backup need a human to do something? Tape backups require a human to get rid of the tape but runs the possibility that the human will forget, setting up automated processes is urgent and less trouble.
  4. Fire, Flood, Tornado : Is the info being backed up offsite or only in your building? Try utilising a service like Carbonite or research some other kinds of online backup solutions.

2. Old or Bad Software — Software must always make it easier for you to manage your business, train new staff and make cash. There are plenty of softwares on the present market that actually make it more involved. You must find the right software to run your business, though not just any old software will work for your company with every one having its own viewpoint of how to run a business. However there are some vital advancements recently that you need to make use of, the most significant being internet-based software. This program can be as convenient to use as browsing the web and enables you to take your info anywhere. Whether it is a cloud based or is hosted by the software company most of these corporations have backups and substructure in place that make your info safer with them, instead of at your building. Web-based solutions usually provide more opportunities to connect with your clients via the internet.

3. Email Harassing — E-mail Lists are a very valuable method of promoting to your customers but simply because they give you their email doesn?t mean you need to send them an email each day. If you start to provoke the client, probabilities are that you’ll lose the sale. Confirm every communication with the customer gives value to the shopper in order that they can honestly say it was worth their time and you contacting them. Distributing beneficial info can help change the tone of a chase up e-mail.

4. Using technology for technology’s sake — Always use technology to clear up particular Problems. As an example spending on an RFID system for your brand new storage business is in general a waste of time and cash. Understanding the best way to do it low tech can help you make better educated choices when you decide it is time to go futuristic.

5. Using technology without a support structure — Technology solutions can quickly become a problem if they fail to work. If your business is depending on technology to operate you would like to ensure you have a solution in place if the technology fail. Who do you call? Should you have spare hardware around? Make sure to at least have somebody to call who can decipher any general issues that crop up.

Technology is how we do business these days embrace it but remember technology isn’t perfect and can provide more issues than solutions if it is not a correct fit. No one solution will fit all firms or Problems so be sure to think critically about any technology calls you make for your business.

Scott Bonner

Senior Java Developer MovePoint Moving Software LLC

Frequent Technology Article Contributor at Moving Business Network

For more about Scott Bonner’s Experience as a Website Developer

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